英语翻译游船乘坐须知1、 游客乘船必须依次排队购票乘坐,服从工作人员管理;2、 严格按规定定员乘坐,不得超载,以确保安全

1、 游客乘船必须依次排队购票乘坐,服从工作人员管理;
2、 严格按规定定员乘坐,不得超载,以确保安全;仔细听从工作人员讲解操作规程,安全操作船只;
3、 1.3米以下儿童必须有成人陪护,不得单独乘坐;
4、 本设备不适合孕妇、以及晕船、恐水症、高血压、心脏病和酒醉者等乘座;
5、 严禁乘客携带易燃、易爆等危险品乘船,船上禁止吸烟;
6、 文明旅游,船上不得打闹、戏水、摇晃,以免发生危险;
7、 自觉维护上、下船秩序,依次上船、下船;船只停靠码头未停稳时不得站立和上下船;
8、 乘客上船请均匀分布乘坐,以保持船体平衡;
9、 保持河道、码头、船只清洁卫生.
10、 如遇突发性事件,请切勿慌张,保持冷静,等候工作人员的帮助.
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notes for cruise customers
1, Please take turn buying tickets, and listen to the staff management;
2,Obey the provisions, and make sure not overloaded in a single boat to ensure security; Carefully follow the working staff operation procedures and safely operate ships;
3 Children under 1.3 meters without adults must not take boat alone ;
4, Not suitable for pregnant women, seasickers, and someone with water-fearing disease, hypertension, heart disease and drunks
5, Don't carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods on the boat,and smoking is forbidden on the boat;
6, Be civilized tourers, do not play, paddle, shake,in case a risk comes;
7, Please maintain consciously the order of getting on or down ; make sure the ships gets stable before you get up , get on or get down the boat;
8, please distribute yourselves to maintain the boat balant;
9, maintain the river, wharf, ship clean.
10please don't be panic in case of unexpected events, stay calm, waiting for staff to help.
11, tourists should wear the jackets, wait untill the staff make sure you are ok
Thank you, be happy!


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