
Believe it or not,there is no such a thing as standard EnglishShe told us to go around and corner on the left and keep going starightly for two blocksNative speakers can understand each other if they don't speak the same kind of EnglishWe should make a full use of the Iimited natural resourcesThe English speaking between about AD450 and 1150 was very differernt from the English spoken todayHe made use of a wider vocabulary as ever beforeThese new settlers enriched English language and its vocabulary
郭燕七 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

ppltuiguang 幼苗

共回答了20个问题采纳率:85% 举报

1 把as改成like2 straightly改成straight3 if改成even if4 a去掉5 speaking改成spoken6 as改成than7 and后加enlarged


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