
Their first meeting was awkward.And why not?It was set up by Good Morning America.Like the rest of the media,GMA saw a great love story and pounced.But being sucked into a media maelstrom isn't necessarily conducive to a nascent love affair.“There was a lot of uncertainty on how to act around each other,” Patrick said.And in the back of Camille's mind,a nagging thought:Who is this guy?The media circus eventually moved on,giving the two a chance to talk without a microphone present.“Everything I found out about her was another wonderful thing,” says Patrick.She was smart,funny and a big personality,a nice fit for this shy guy.“And,” he continues quietly,“we've been hanging out together every day since.” Thinking back,he sighs.“It's amazing everything went without a hitch.”
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飘扬的雪儿 幼苗

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他们的第一次见面非常尴尬. 为什么不会呢? 因为那次见面是由"早安美国"安排的. 早安美国就像其他的媒体一样, 看到了一个伟大的爱情故事, 就赶快出击了. 但是被卷入一个庞大的媒体漩涡对于一个稚嫩的爱情来讲, 实在没什么帮助.
"在如何对待彼此上, 有很多不确定性". 帕特里克说道
而且在卡米尔的内心, 不断有个声音在问, 这个人是谁?
最终, 媒体的把戏收场了. 给他们两个不用对着麦克风讲话的机会.
"我发掘的,每一件关于她的事情都是如此美好" 帕特里克说.
她很聪明, 风趣, 还很有个性. 对这个害羞的小伙子来说是个绝妙的组合
接着, 他悄悄的说"然后我们就每天都出去玩"
会想过去, 他唏嘘不已, "每件事都顺顺利利的进行, 简直是不可思议"


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