if it had not been for the storm ,we should have arrived ear

if it had not been for the storm ,we should have arrived earlier.
请问这句话是不是有错误,用 it 做主语,后面是不是应该是 If it had not been a storm,we should have arrived earlier.
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霜雨雁 幼苗

共回答了21个问题采纳率:100% 举报

如果不要后面的介词for,if从句必须改用there be句型才对,即必须写成:
If there had not been a storm, we should have arrived earlier.

1年前 追问


中点 举报

是不是可以是 It rains. 可以是 It is very hot. 但不可以是 It is a storm. 而必须是 There is a storm.

举报 霜雨雁

如果单独看句子,可以是It rains. 可以是It is very hot. 也可以是 It is a storm. 同样也可以是There is a storm. 这些句子和楼主给的例句是不一样的理解。 楼主自己翻译后,体会一下: 1)if it had not been for the storm ,we should have arrived earlier. 要不是因为这场暴风雨,我们本应该更早就到达了。 for表示“因为”。 2)If it had not been the storm, we should have arrived earlier. 如果它不是一场暴风雨,我们本应该早就到达了。 3)If there had not been a storm, we should have arrived earlier. 如果不是有一场暴风雨,我们本应该早就到达了。 从句意通顺来看,第2句不妥。

purenjuan1983 幼苗

共回答了1个问题 举报

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