
小题1: I have a very busy life with no time ___________ feeling sorry for myself. (sit)
我的生活很充实,没有时间 闲坐着 顾影自怜。
小题2:By ______________ on her face, Claire knew that her friend thought she was having an affair with the handsome gentleman. (surprise)
从她脸上的 惊奇神色 来看,克莱尔知道她的朋友认为她和那个潇洒的绅士有风流韵事。
小题3: ___________________ that her husband would be sentenced into jail for breaking the laws. (occur)
她从没想到 过她丈夫会因违法而被判入狱。
小题4:Global warming has become a serious problem, __________________________ more attention. (pay)
全球变暖已经成为一件严肃的问题, 对此我们应该给予 更多关注。
小题5:The doctor recommended that the patient ___________________________ in a clinic right now. (operate)
医生建议马上在诊所给病人 动手术
小题6:Every possible means ____________________ but the medicine still doesn’t achieve the desired effect. (try).
尝试了 每一种可能的方法但这种药仍未达到预期效果。
小题7:My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I _____________ the journey. (abandon)
我父母借钱给我了。否则,我 就会放弃 这次旅行了。
小题8:Recently she __________________________ her studies that she has no time to take up the hobby. (occupy)
最近她学习 很忙 ,以至于她没有时间从事她的爱好。
小题9:Having been blamed for several times, she seems _________________________ her mistakes. (aware)
被责备了好几次,她似乎 已经意识到 自己的错误了。
小题10:In fact, it is the mental addiction rather than the physical effects ___________________ to quit smoking. (make)
事实上, 戒烟 困难 的不是生理上的影响而是精神上的依赖。
wm33488 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

童禹铭 幼苗

共回答了19个问题采纳率:89.5% 举报

小题1:to sit around

小题2:the surprised look

小题3:It never occurred to her

小题4:to which we should pay

小题5:(should) be operated on

小题6:has been tried

小题7:would have abandoned

小题8:has been so occupied with

小题9:to have been aware of

小题10:that makes it difficult/tough/hard


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