用instead +名词,翻译和造句.

CMF-A-jin 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

liu5817 幼苗

共回答了15个问题采纳率:73.3% 举报

Instead of staying at home,she went to the park.

1年前 追问


CMF-A-jin 举报


举报 liu5817

用作副词 (adv.) instead of (用…)代替…,(是…)而不是…,(用…)而不用… in place of instead of sb/sth/adj. They use cotton instead of silk.他们用棉花代替丝绸。 Give me this instead of that.给我这个,不要那个。 Taking exercise every day makes him look younger instead of older.每天锻炼身体使他看起来更年轻,而不是更衰老。 instead of to-v I went to borrow this book instead of to buy it.我去借这本书,而不是去买它。 We went to the Biology class instead of to attend the English lesson.我们去上生物课,而不去上英语课。 instead of v-ing When one has something to say, it's best to come to the point directly instead of talking in a round-about way.一个人有话要说的时候,最好是直截了当地说出来,而不要转弯抹角。
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