direct at 和 be direct at 如果有,请给出例句好吗,

direct at 和 be direct at 如果有,请给出例句好吗,
比如说,he directed at me .
he was directed at me.
boylbz 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

拥有最好 幼苗

共回答了17个问题采纳率:76.5% 举报

direct at 是指 “对着”,“指向”,“针对",这里direct是动词
be direct at 是指 “在...方面直接”,这里direct是形容词

1年前 追问


boylbz 举报

there are large advertisement signs directed at them both.请问,这里的be directed at 不是针对的意思吗?

举报 拥有最好

这里不是be directed at ,句中的be 是there be 的形式, 即”there are large advertisement signs“,而directed则是分词。所以还是direct at,即针对的意思

boylbz 举报

我知道这是there be, 如果是direct at,这里应该是directing at ,是现在分词形式不是吗? 再看一句,His remarks were not directed at you. 他的话不是针对你的。 这又作何解释,麻烦好心的你解答,解答后可再加金币

举报 拥有最好

分词有现在分词和过去分词两种形式,而过去分词形式往往带有被动的意思。 there are large advertisement signs directed at them both. 这句中的 directed 就是过去分词形式,包含了”有人使这些广告牌正对着他们俩“的意思,因为广告牌自身并不能主动针对谁。 His remarks were not directed at you. 这句里direct at采用了被动态,所以 were 和 directed 两者都用了过去时,是他在针对你,而他的话则是被动地针对你。
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