下列语句的含义When the teacher came in ,everyone was(as quiet as a

When the teacher came in ,everyone was(as quiet as a mouase).
It's (raining cats and dogs) outside.
Don't belive him.He is a (wolf in sheep's clothing).
She is 16 years old and (ugly ducking has grown a swan).
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流泪的刀 幼苗

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(as) busy as a bee 忙个不停(并以此为乐)
a black sheep 害群之马
separate the sheep from the goats 把好人同坏人分开
like a cat on hot `bricks 非常紧张; 像热锅上的蚂蚁; 如坐针毡
play a cat-and-mouse game with sb 对某人时好时坏、 忽冷忽热
a cat-and-dog life 经常吵架的生活
a dog in the `manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人
every dog has his/its `day 凡人皆有得意时
give a dog a bad `name 一朝坏名声,十年洗不清; 名誉一毁,万难挽回
go to the `dogs (指组织、 机构等)一蹶不振,不复往日之盛,大不如前 put on the dog(美俚语) 炫耀; 摆阔
let sleeping dogs lie 别惹事生非; 别自找麻烦
lead a dog's life 过狗一般的生活(长期忧虑、 痛苦或悲伤)
lead sb a `dog's life 使某人生活痛苦不堪
a bird's eye `view (of sth) 俯视; 鸟瞰
the early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟才能捉到虫; 捷足先登
kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟; 一箭双雕; 一举两得
like a bird 毫无困难地; 一帆风顺地
bird of `passage 候鸟,经某处而不久留的人
a snake in the `grass 伪装成朋友的阴险的人,
drink like a `fish 豪饮
a big fish (in a little pond) (小地方或小范围内的)大人物
a cold `fish 无热情的人,冷漠的人
(straight) from the horse's `mouth (指劝告、 情报等)来自直接参与者的,从可靠的人那里获得的
you can take a horse to `water,but you can't make him `drink 牵马到水边易,逼马饮水难(即使给某人机会,他也不一定利用)


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