关于建立数据库视图表student中有以下:student subject gradestudent1 80studen

student subject grade
student1 80
student1 70
student1 英语 60
student2 90
student2 80
student2 英语 100
student 英语
student1 80 70 60
student1 90 80 100
balala15 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

孤城落晖 幼苗

共回答了25个问题采纳率:92% 举报

select distinct student,
语文=isnull((select grade from student b where b.student=a.student and b.subject='语文' ),''),
数学=isnull((select grade from student c where c.student=a.student and c.subject='数学' ),''),
英语=isnull((select grade from student d where d.student=a.student and d.subject='英语' ),''),
from student a
select distinct student,
语文=isnull((select max(grade) from student b where b.student=a.student and b.subject='语文' ),''),
数学=isnull((select max(grade) from student c where c.student=a.student and c.subject='数学' ),''),
英语=isnull((select max(grade) from student d where d.student=a.student and d.subject='英语' ),''),
from student a

1年前 追问


balala15 举报

用create view这种方式来写一下,谢谢了。

举报 孤城落晖

CREATE VIEW v_student AS select distinct student, 语文=isnull((select grade from student b where b.student=a.student and b.subject='语文' ),''), 数学=isnull((select grade from student c where c.student=a.student and c.subject='数学' ),''), 英语=isnull((select grade from student d where d.student=a.student and d.subject='英语' ),''), from student a GO 或 CREATE VIEW v_student AS select distinct student, 语文=isnull((select max(grade) from student b where b.student=a.student and b.subject='语文' ),''), 数学=isnull((select max(grade) from student c where c.student=a.student and c.subject='数学' ),''), 英语=isnull((select max(grade) from student d where d.student=a.student and d.subject='英语' ),''), from student a GO
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