however,the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends ..

however,the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends ...句子结构,这句的主谓宾是什么?
However,the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends established limits in misleading when it is applied to the arts,even though it may be valid for the sciences
According to this formulation,highly
creative activity transcends the limits of an existing form
and establishes a new principle of organization.However,
the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends
established limits in misleading when it is applied to the
arts,even though it may be valid for the sciences.
文中,idea 后的 extraordinary creativity transcends
established limits 是重复前句的内容,所以,有理由认为however句的结构应该是
the idea that...+be adj./+verb.+ objects,只是我找不到,所以,期待您的点拨
chrisyu110 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

9gkal 幼苗

共回答了19个问题采纳率:89.5% 举报

把一些相关的修饰词语去掉,这句话简单的来说 就是
However,the idea transcends limits when it is applied to the arts,even though it may be valid for the sciences.
主语:the idea (that extraordinary creativity )“非常有创造性的想法”
谓语:transcends 超出,超越;优于……
宾语:(established)limits 已经建立的极限
when后面引导的是状语从句,当它被应用在艺术领域的时候,句子中的 it 指前文中的 idea
though后面引导了一个让步状语从句,尽管 他可能在科学领域中是符合逻辑的.

1年前 追问


chrisyu110 举报

看了您的分析,确实是有道理,只是还有些问题,希望您不吝详 1. the idea that ..., 我看过的句式,都是用that从句解释前面的idea的,向您分析的idea + noun.修饰,我以前没遇到过,不知道这是什么语法,希望您再举些这种例子 2.这句话的上句是:According to this formulation, highly creative activity transcends the limits of an existing form and establishes a new principle of organization. However...

举报 9gkal

你好,点拨不干当,呵呵,互相交流学习O(∩_∩)O 我认为 that extraordinary creativity 是进一步解释说明 idea 的,可以把它看成是同位语,所以句子主干就是:the idea transcends limits 所以我说的不是“idea + noun.修饰” 加上前面一句话的翻译就是: 根据这种表述,高创造力的活动超越了现有形式的限制,并且建立一种新的组织准则。然而…… 希望能继续交流,你可以写在评论里面O(∩_∩)O 追问多了要扣财富的哦
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