老师我想对你说 作文

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向往明天的梦 幼苗

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时光荏苒,老师你还好吗?老师,我想对你说:你的音容笑貌,你的举手投足,时常展现在我的眼前;你的关心,爱护,一直萦绕在我的脑海里;你的循循善诱,谆谆教导,至今铭记在我的心中;你和我们一起时的一切,都如同昨日历历在目。老师,我想对你说:是你给了我学习的自信;是你给了我生活的勇气,是你给了我发奋发图强的动力,是你给了我奔向好前程的希望。 老师,我想对你说:你是我开启智慧的敲门砖;你是我打开幸福之门的金钥匙;你是我生活航程中的引路人;你是我奏响人生乐章的指挥者。老师,我想对你说:如果没有你,或许我就会自暴自弃;如果没有你,或许我就会那么沉迷下去;如果没有你,或许就没有我生活的前景;如果没有你,或许就没有今天的我。老师,我想对你说:感谢你风雨之中为我的遮挡;感谢你冰天雪地之时给予我温暖;感谢你对我的培育之恩;感谢你对我的知遇之情。老师,我想对你说:你每天扳着脸走上讲台,我们刚下课玩后的愉快心情又被破坏了。这时我多么希望你能笑一笑啊!开始上课了,你一直眉头紧锁,忽然叫起一个正在开小差的同学回答问题,那个同学丈二和尚摸不着头脑,答得牛头不对马嘴。老师顿时火冒三丈,问他怎么回事。“后面的同学告诉我的”,他解释道,全班哄堂大笑,但老师不笑,仍然眉头深锁,用箭一样的目光盯着我们,我们只好马上闭上嘴巴,正襟危坐。这时,我们多么希望老师你也能笑一笑啊!这样,你的不快、同学们的不认真,也许就会在一笑之中飘然而去,我们与你的距离会因这一笑而变得亲近起来。下课了,有很多同学跑上讲台,想跟你谈谈话,可一头忙碌的你一句:“什么事?”正欲张嘴的我们不好意思开口了。那时,我们多想你笑着与我们放松地聊一聊啊!“笑一笑,十年少,我们学习会更好;笑一笑,真轻松,苦恼、伤心抛脑后。”我以前也写过这样的儿歌或小诗,但都没敢唱,什么时候能在你面前开心地唱一唱呢?最后,老师,我要对你说:新年要到了,祝愿你健健康康,幸幸福福,和和美美,快快乐乐地度过每天!好人一生平安!!英文(不是自己翻译的,还有伙伴们)Time flies, the teacher are you?Teacher, I would like to say to you: your voice and facial expression, your gestures, often to show in my eyes; your concern, care, has been lingering in my mind; your patience, earnest instructions, so far in my mind heart; you all the time with us, are as vivid as yesterday.Teacher, I would like to say to you: you gave me the confidence to learn; that you gave me the courage to live is to work hard you gave me the power, you gave me toward a good future hope.Teacher, I would like to say to you: You are my stepping stone to open the wisdom; You are my golden key to open the door of happiness; you are a guide for the adventure of my life; you are my life, played the music of the commander.Teacher, I would like to say to you: If not you, perhaps I will give up on themselves; If not you, maybe I'll go so addicted; If not you, perhaps there is no prospect of my life; if not you, maybe not today me.Teacher, I would like to say to you: Thank you for my block the wind and rain; thank you for giving me warm when ice and snow; thank you for the cultivation of grace to me; thank you for the love of my good friend.Teacher, I would like to say to you: every day you sit there straight face to the podium, we have just a happy mood after the class play was again destroyed. Then I wish you could smile ah! Class begins, you have frowned, suddenly cried out a deserted the students to answer questions is, that something must the students, answer was irrelevant. Teacher suddenly furious, and asked him how it was. "The students told me later," he explained, the whole class roared with laughter, but the teacher did not laugh, still his brows, staring eyes with arrows, like us, we had to immediately shut up and sat. At this time, we hope so much you can smile teachers ah! In this way, your unhappiness, the students are not serious, we might have drifted away into the smile, the distance between us and you will become closer because of the laugh together.Class, and there are many students ran to the podium, would like to talk to you talk, you can be a busy one: "What?" He tried to open the mouth of us embarrassed. Then we think about you relax and chat with us a smile ah!"Wear a smile, a decade less, we learn better; laugh, really relaxed, worried, sad throwing back of the head." I've also written songs or poems that, but they dared not sing when you can happy to sing in front of it?Finally, the teacher, I say to you: the New Year is coming, wish you perfectly healthy, fortunate blessing of happiness, and U.S. United States, happy to spend a day! Good life! !


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