请亲们帮帮偶吧QAQThis Sunday,my family will have a big dinner toget

This Sunday,my family will have a big dinner together to celebrate Mid- Autumn Festival .We always go to my aunt's house for Mid - Autumn Festival because the restaurants are very busy.Everyone is out celebrating at the same time
Mid- Autumn Festival is one of my favourite holidays of the year.Although i don't get surprise presents like on my birthday or at Christmas ,i get a beautiful lantern every year .i love choosing my lantern and then playing with it in the park with my cousins.i think it is funny when i see people with Pokemon or Hello Kitty lanterns.I still like the animals lanterns the best.
I may also go out with some of my classmates this year.i have not gone to Victoria Park with my friends at Mid -Autumn Festival before.it should be fun!
(5)According to paragraph 2 ,what is the difference between Mid - Autumn Festival and Christmas?____________________________________
柯晶 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

sbtegu 幼苗

共回答了24个问题采纳率:91.7% 举报

At Christmas,I will get surprise presents.



广东一刀1 幼苗

共回答了1个问题 举报



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