How to keep mental health?

How to keep mental health?
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nico311 春芽

共回答了23个问题采纳率:78.3% 举报

Mental health is being more and more important,partly entered people's eveyday schedule.
Many people are studying how to keep mental health nowadays,which is necessary of course.Actually there are a lot of ways to keep mental health.But in my opinion,first of all is too keep moods steady.You know there are too many reasons to make us lose our tempers in reality.espcially people cannot control themselves for anger,worry,overthinking,sadness and so on and so forth.Based on many reports about moods,we know that is very bad for our health.we have to manage to stop of the most valid methods is to change our minds.I can give an example,for instance,you come back home from work,you find your wife is watching tv and hasnt cooked for the family,maybe you wanna to be hit the ceiling at once,but keep slow can sign yourself first this way:"She is also tired for so much work today,that she watches tv is to find a way to relax herself ,which shows she really needs a good rest as well like me,if i disturb her for some reason,maybe she could quarrel with me.then I had better too cook to increase understanding and love between us."Maybe at that moment when you take pot,she would like to come to cook along with you together,hehe.If that's the case,you have had kept your mental healthy.what a good way it is to change our minds to realize our health aims.
On the other hand,For keeping our mental health,i think we had better accept healthy messages any time,and refuse those unhealthy ones.Such as in reading books,watching tv,movies etc.For what? As all the messages will enter our minds and become a part of our life.Thus to control our thoughts and acts at last.If some are bad messages,which will lead us to bad situation,especially hurt our soul deeply,though sometimes we dont know this point at all,but it does work.So watch out all the time.
Third,if we want to keep our mental healthy,we also can by another way,that is to help in this sort of state,our spirits are calm and peaceful,no bad ideals to disturb our health.and some happy ideas will advance our helath ,So our brains will get the best rest of all.It will be more healthy ,energic and wisdom .



et83 幼苗

共回答了170个问题 举报

1、豁达法 应有宽阔的心胸,豁达大度,遇事从不斤斤计较。平时做到性格开朗、合群、坦诚、少私心、知足常乐、笑口常开,这样就很少会有愁闷烦恼。
2、松驰法 具体做法是:被人激怒后或十分烦恼时,迅速离开现场,作深呼吸运动,并配合肌肉的松驰训练,甚至可做气功放松训练,以意导气,逐渐入境,使全身放松,摒除脑海中的一切杂念。
3、节怒法 主要靠高度的理智来克制怒气暴发,可在心中默默背诵名言...



shijinfen 幼苗

共回答了5个问题 举报




木村拖菜刀 幼苗

共回答了6个问题 举报

Slept, maintenance energetic health! This question quite is difficult to reply! You give me 100 minutes me to tell you well


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