如何写cover letter

卖女孩的小zz 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

cl754600 幼苗

共回答了16个问题采纳率:93.8% 举报

美国留学申请中,Cover letter是非常必要的,所谓Cover letter,即材料清单,就像目录一样,在所有申请材料的最前端,说明你的申请材料包括哪些内容,之所以说Cover letter重要,因为它是申请人给评审委员会的第一印象,一份整齐的Cover letter,才会使录取委员会心情更好地阅读你的申请材料,所以,大家一定要重视Cover letter的写作.下面为大家带来cover letter模板,希望能够对大家有所帮助. I also enclose three letters of recommendation. The first is from my academic advisor, P. Zou, Deputy Head of my college, whom I am assisting for in his program. The second is from another professor, X. M. M, Chair of Communication Engineering in my college, whom I have taken classes from and worked on research projects with in her DSP lab. The third is from the other professor, M Cheng, who taught me Digital Circuit. I spent last summer on a research supervised by Prof. Cheng. He informed me your school for the first choice, for he was a visiting professor staying two years in Dept. of ECE in your university.


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