请帮我翻译一下..英语.. from this day forward you will also be known a

.. from this day forward
you will also be known as FRANCES GROSS
More Information About U.S. English Name Generator
U.S. English Name Generator gives you a first name and a last name (family name). You might want to use only the first name.
For more United States English names, try the baby name generator. You will get a first name and middle name. It uses names given to babies in the United States during 2004. Instead of entering parent's name(s), enter your own name.
U.S. Name Generator is based on Wu-Name, my first name generator. U.S. Name name generator uses a different data file and an additional drop-down for selecting gender.
I like to use my U.S. Name for those ridiculous customer cards at stores such as Safeway and Rite-Aid. A blog even wrote about it.
The how-to article about how Wu-Name name generator works also explains how U.S. Name works.
First and last names are actual names in the United States. Source is the 1990 US Census.
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美国的英文名字发电机给你的第一个名字和姓(姓氏) .你可能会想用只有第一个名字.
为更多的美国英文名字,试试宝宝的名字发电机.你会得到第一个名称中的名字.它使用的名字给婴儿,在美国2004年期间.不是进入母公司的名称( s )的输入你自己的名字.


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