请帮我找一下这篇文章,not a small problem

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忧忧剑 春芽

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Not a Small Problem
Mr.Guppy was a very large man.He a loud voice and a bad temper.He was not a giant,but he was much bigger than most men.
Life was not easy for Mr.Guppy.He could seldom find clothes big enough.His feet were too large for most shoes.
In buses,trains and planes.He could not stand up straight.The roofs were too low.
In cars he could not move his legs.There was not enough room..At home,his bed was too short.Chairs were always too small.
In fact,wherever he went and whatever he did,Mr.Guppy had problems because of his size.
These problems were so bad that Mr.Guppy stayed at home most of the time.Life was easier at home.
Then one day,a friend said,“You spend too much time at home.You should go out more.There` s a good movie at the theater.”
“I can't sit in theater seats,” Mr.Guppy said.“I` m too big.”
“That is no problem,” his friend said.” “I'll buy you two tickets.You can get them at the theater when you go.”
The friend sent money.To the theater for two tickets.When the day came,Mr.Guppy put on his best clothes and went to the theater.
“You have two tickets for me,” he said to woman in the ticket office.” My name is Guppy.”
“Oh,yes,Mr.Guppy,” the woman said.” Here you are seats G4 and P12.l` m sorry,you and your friend can` t sit together because we are very full this evening.”
Poor,Mr.Guppy.He smiled sadly,walked out of the theater and went home.



ghost900 幼苗

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冰菱子 幼苗

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oweowe 幼苗

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翻译 :
Mr. Guppy was a very large man. He a loud voice and a bad temper. He was not a giant, but he was much bigger than most men. Mr. Guppy 是一个体型庞大的人。他有一副响亮的声音和一个火爆的脾气。虽然...


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