
happy_弄潮儿 1年前 已收到3个回答 举报

xycxjj 幼苗

共回答了17个问题采纳率:88.2% 举报

Given a well-known historian Macaulay wrote that a little girl,if someone asked me when the great King,a lifetime living in the palace,gardens,food,wine,great carriage,gorgeous clothes and hundreds of servants condition that does not allow me to study,then when I am by no means King.I would rather be a poor,living in a loft where a lot of books,but also do not want to be a king can not be read.意思是:著名历史学家麦考莱曾给一个小女孩写信说,如果有人要我当最伟大的国王,一辈子住在宫殿里,有花园、佳肴、美酒、大马车、华丽的衣服和成百的仆人,条件是不允许我读书,那么我决不当国王.我宁愿做一个穷人,住在藏书很多的阁楼里,也不愿当一个不能读书的国王.



春风初动 幼苗

共回答了18个问题采纳率:72.2% 举报

Once the taste of the president, met with President Lincoln in the White House a president. President of the country sub-grown particularly high, two people stand together, just put up 2 of the barrel...



果多郎 春芽

共回答了11个问题采纳率:72.7% 举报

如果感觉不够名人的话 自己想写谁就把名字一改就好了
The Best Artist despotic sultan who was blind in one eye invited three artists to paint his picture.“If you do a bad portrait, I will punish you,” he warned, “ but if y...


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