Several years ago I was in a San Diego restaurant with my mo

Several years ago I was in a San Diego restaurant with my mother.While I paid the bill,we both noticed an elderly woman waitting to be seated.As we left the restsurant,Mom asked,"Did you see that woman with the wonderful smile?"I most certainly did.Her smlie had lit up the room.It was that you don't often see in a stranger.And maybe Mom and I smiled back,I don't remember .Mom later said,"I wish I 'd told her what a wonderful smile she had ." But neither of us had,We 'd both received a gift without saying thank you.
I stopped at a fast-food restaurant for a quick bite.A woman in her 70s was sitting at her table quietly while her husband ordered.She glanced my way and smiled brightly .It was one of those smiles rhat tell others,"I love life!"
I was't going to let this opportunity pass——I was going to say something.As I walked toward this woman from 30feet away,her smile melted into a rather startled look,as if asking,"Did I do something wrong " I walked over to her and simply said ,"You have a wonderful smile!" Wow,did her face light up!And she responded with an enthusiasic "Thank you ." My words probably made her day,but they also made my day.We truly exchanged gifts that afternoon.
1.While the writer was in a San Diego restaurant ,he noticed a woman who was waitting for ______.
2.When the writer walked towards her,the woman looked_________.
3.The gifts they exchanged ——the woman's smile and _________——had made the day joyful for both of them.
张霞 1年前 已收到4个回答 举报

km1699999 幼苗

共回答了20个问题采纳率:85% 举报

1.a seat 2.startled 3.the writer's words

1年前 追问


张霞 举报

我想问一下~第一题可以写 the seat 吗?还有第二题 look 后面是不是要接形容词,startled是形容词吗?

举报 km1699999

那个老妇人是等专门的某个位子还是只是等个空位坐?如果只是去吃饭排队等座位,那就不要用the来特指 look是个系动词,可以直接加形容词 startled是形容词 look startled是固定用法

andy1017 幼苗

共回答了33个问题 举报

1.a seat
2. startled



风之甜甜 幼苗

共回答了11个问题 举报

1.a table
2.starled(原文)(或 surprised)
3.her loving attitudes towards life(她热爱生活的态度)



月影儿 幼苗

共回答了15个问题 举报

1. a seat.
2. startled.
3. the writer's words/praise


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