
海王波赛冬有个儿子,名叫 奥列翁(Orion),他非常喜欢射箭,是个很好的猎手,还喜欢在海面上狂奔.月亮女神很喜欢奥列翁,他们相识了,并且彼此相爱,经常一起在丛林中狩猎,在海面上狂奔.女神的哥哥阿波罗很讨厌奥列翁,也不喜欢她妹妹与奥列翁的这段感情,于是决意要除掉奥列翁.某天,奥列翁正在海面上飞奔的时候,阿波罗用金色的光罩住奥列翁把他隐藏起来,使任何人都看不出奥列翁的本来面目,然后就去怂恿喜欢射箭的妹妹月亮女神把远处的金色物体当作靶子.月亮女神当然不知道这是哥哥的阴谋,射出一支箭,正中奥列翁的头部.后来她知道了自己射死的是心上人奥列翁,于是陷入绝望之中,日夜哭泣.为了永远珍藏对奥列翁的爱情,她请求宙斯把奥列翁升到天上,希望自己乘坐银马车在天空奔跑中随时可以看到.宙斯接受了她的请求,把奥列翁变为天上的星座——猎户座.女神发誓,终身不嫁,她要永远在夜空中陪伴着奥列翁.
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活着很累很想rr 春芽

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Moon Goddess Artemis
Ancient Greek mythology,the moon goddess Artemis (Artemis).She was the sun god Apollo's sister,very beautiful,but also a very powerful bow and arrow in hand,in charge of the hunt,often accompanied by side bow and arrow and her beloved dogs.Each day she drove a silver Mercedes-Benz carriage in the night sky,representing the night together - cold,lonely,and the souls of the road.She is the patron saint of unmarried girls - her own life is unmarried,there is also a sad story.
Sea King Poseidon had a son,named Orion (Orion),he was very fond of archery,is a good hunter,but also like the sea Mile.Moon goddess like Oleg Weng,who had known each other and love each other,often hunt together in the jungle,in the sea on the Mile.Goddess's brother Apollo is very annoying Orion,do not like her sister and the Orion's this feeling,so determined to get rid of Orion.One day,the Orion is the flying time to the sea,Apollo with the golden light fell on Orion hide him,so that anyone can not see the real face of Orion,and then went to incite like archery the sister of the moon goddess to the golden distant objects as targets.Moon goddess certainly do not know if this is her brother's plot,shot an arrow,the middle of Orion's head.Later,she knew his shot was Orion sweetheart,so caught in despair,crying day and night.In order to always treasure right Orion love,she asked Zeus to Orion rose to the sky Levon,I hope to take the silver carriage running in the sky can be seen at any time.Zeus has accepted her request,the Orion into the sky in the constellation - Orion.Goddess swear,life is not married,she should always be accompanied in the night sky Orion.
The moon goddess Artemis (Artemis) very much like the oak,the hunt has always been with her oak wooden stick.Oak people are again regarded as a goddess she was.In ancient Greece,when people worship the moon goddess,we should torch lit oak,and later became dedicated to cookies,and lit candles and finally evolved into a way to celebrate a child's birthday - the evening candle inserted in the cake,blow out and make a wish ,the moon goddess will bless the aspirations can be realized.Even today,people are still in this way to celebrate birthdays.



cwp2966 幼苗

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Moon Goddess Artemis
Ancient Greek mythology, the moon goddess Artemis (Artemis). She was the sun god Apollo's sister, very beautiful, but also a very powerful bow and arrow in hand, in charge of...



tianya2210 幼苗

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weizhen45185 幼苗

共回答了1个问题 举报

海王波赛冬有个儿子,名叫 奥列翁,他非常喜欢射箭,是个很好的猎手,还喜欢在海面上狂奔。月亮女神很喜欢奥...



thunder771 幼苗

共回答了7个问题 举报

Moon Goddess Artemis
Ancient Greek mythology, the moon goddess Artemis (Artemis). She was the sun god Apollo's sister, very beautiful, but also a very powerful bow and arrow in hand, in charge of ...


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