What's the general idea of multiculture?

What's the general idea of multiculture?
And give me some examples.I require the English explaination.Thank you!~
I need more materials about the multiculture.And you can imply me some websites about the multiculture.
紫焰麒麟 1年前 已收到4个回答 举报

拉风堂 春芽

共回答了18个问题采纳率:83.3% 举报

Multiculturalism is the idea or belief that modern societies should embrace and include distinct cultural groups with equal cultural and political status.Multiculturalism is a term often used to describe the cultural and ethnic diversity of a nation.In the English-speaking countries it started in Canada in 1971.It was quickly adopted by most member-states in the European Union.
for example
multilingual and multi-ethnic empires,such as the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire



无声的黑夜 幼苗

共回答了101个问题 举报

blending of at least two different cultures that refers to one sort of culture which represents multi-styles.



qbanner 幼苗

共回答了20个问题 举报

it means the combination of different kinds of culture.
eg:multiculture metropolis and become international viewed but is not for those who want to find another total new culture and kick their original one away.



绿也 幼苗

共回答了144个问题 举报

multiculture means a kind of culture that it is mixture of two or more other cultures, just like we say New York city is a city of almost al kinds of cultures, cause there are so many people of different races, different colors, their culture mix together and that's New York culture, a multiculture.


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