英语翻译英国历史上的真正的“罗马人的征服”(Roman Conquest)是在公元后43年开始的.当时罗马皇帝克罗迪斯(

英国历史上的真正的“罗马人的征服”(Roman Conquest)是在公元后43年开始的.当时罗马皇帝克罗迪斯(Claudius)率领四万人马,用了三年时间终于征服了不列颠岛的中部和中南部随后,整个的英格兰被罗马牢牢控制了.,随着军事占领,罗马文化与风格习惯渗入不列颠.罗马人的服装、装饰品、陶器和玻璃器皿很快在不列颠得到推广;社会生活开始:“罗马化”这必然导致拉丁语在不列颠的传播.在以胜利者自居的罗马人看来,凯尔特人无疑是“低贱的”,凯尔特语自然不能登“大雅之堂”那时,在不列颠,官方用语、法律用语、商业用语等均是拉丁语;拉丁语成了上层凯尔特人的第二语言.这就是凯尔特语词汇为什么很少能幸存下来的历史原因.在今日英语中,只是在一些地名和河流名称方面还保留着凯尔特的词汇成分.例如the Thames ,the Cam,the Dee ,the Avon ,the Esk ,the Exe ,the Stour ,the Aire ,the Derwent ,the Ouse ,the Severn ,the Tees ,the Trent ,the Wye等,均是凯尔特人命名的河流.在Duncombe,Winchcombe,Holcome,Cumberland,Coombe 等地名中,也可看到凯尔特语cumb (=deep valley::深谷)一词的成分,在Torcross ,Torquay,Torrington等地名中,尚保留着凯尔特语torr (=high rock or peak;高岩或山顶)一词的成分.英国著名城市多尔佛(Dover)、约克(York)的名称也源于凯尔特语.罗马人占领不列颠长达四百年,直到公元407年,罗马人才因罗马帝国内外交困不得不开始撤离不列颠.
大约在公元449年,居住在西北欧的三个日耳曼部族侵犯不列颠.他们是盎格鲁(Angles)、撒克逊人(Saxons)和朱特人(Jutes)他们乘船横渡北海,借罗马帝国衰落、自顾不暇之机‘一举侵入大不列颠诸岛.他们遭到凯尔特人的顽强抵抗,征服过程拖延了一个半世纪之久:到了公元六世纪末,大不列颠请岛上原先的居民凯尔特人几乎灭绝,幸存者或逃入山林.或沦为奴隶.这就是英国历史上发生的“日耳曼人征服”,亦称“条顿人征服”Teutonic Conquest).这次外来入侵.对英语的形成起了十分关键的作用(见附图一).
盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人属古代日耳曼人.分市在北欧日德兰半岛、丹麦诸岛、德国西北沿海一带.在罗马帝国时期,他们往往统称为“蛮族部落”.他们从事畜牧和狩猎,过着半游牧的生活,且很早就知道农耕.他们的土地是氏族的公有财产,农业经营带有原始的流动性质.随着社会的发展,氏族公社逐渐解体,出现了氏族贵族和军事首领.他们的财富和权势在频繁的掠夺中剧增.军事首领名义上是由民众大会推选产生的,实际上都出于同一家族.恩格斯曾把这种氏族部落的管理制度称作军事制,是因为战争以及进行战争的组织现在已成为民族生活的正常职能.邻人的财富刺激了各民族的贪欲.这些民族把获得财富看成是最重要的生活目的之一.他们是野蛮人.进行掠夺在他们看来是比进行创造性劳动更容易,甚至更荣誉的事情.以前进行战争,只是为了对侵犯进行报复,或者是为了扩大已经感到不够的领上;观在进行战争,则纯粹是为了掠夺,战争成为经常的职业了.“ 这些所谓的‘蛮族”,在摧毁当时罗马帝国的奴隶制,以及推动西欧封建制度的诞生过程中,起过十分重要的作用.
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bin5551980 春芽

共回答了16个问题采纳率:93.8% 举报

The real Roman Conquest in British history began in 43 A.D.At that time Claudius,the empiror of Rome,with 40000 of his men,conquered the middle and mid-south of British island in 3 years,then the entire England was completely controled by Romans.With the military invasion,Roman culture,style and custom was introduced into England gradually,Roman clothes,decorations,earthenware and glassware spreaded quickly through England.The society life began to be Romanized,it consequently resulted in the spreading of Latin.
Romans,who regarded themselves as "victrors",of course thought that Celts were "inferior",and celtic was unfit for "upper-class" communication.At that time,in Britain,Latin was used in governance,commerce and law; Latin was also the second language of high-class Celts.This is the reason why few Celtic words survived till today.In modern English,Celtic is used only in some names of rivers or other places,like the Thames ,the Cam,the Dee ,the Avon ,the Esk ,the Exe ,the Stour ,the Aire ,the Derwent ,the Ouse ,the Severn ,the Tees ,the Trent ,the Wye etc.these rivers were named by Celts.In "Duncombe,Winchcombe,Holcome,Cumberland,Coombe",you can find the Celtic word "cumb"(i.e.deep vally).In Torcross ,Torquay,Torrington you can see Celtic word torr(i.e.high rock or peak).Names of some famous cities like Dover and York were also out of Celtic.Romans possesed England for 400 years,untill they retreated from britain because of some diplomatic difficulties in 407 A.D.
About in 449 A.D.,three German tribes from west-north Europe invaded Britain.They were Angles Saxon and Jutes.They crosses North sea,invaded Great Britain Iselands while the Rome empire was weakening.They encountered tough defense of Celts,the invasion lasted for 1 century,by the end of 6th century A.D.,Celts on Britain Iseland were almost wiped out,the survivors escaped into forests,or fell to slaves.This is the "German conquest" or "Teutenic conquest" in English history.The conquest had a essential influence on the forming of English.(e.g.picture1)
Angles,Saxons and Jutes were acient Germans who lived in Jutland,Denmark and west-northen cost of Germany in northen Europe.
In the time of Roman Empire,they were called "savage tribes".they lived on husbandry and hunting,leading a nomadism life,they know agriculture very early.Their lands were public possesion of the clan,their agriculture had a character of primitive society.With the developement of the society,clan aristocracts and military leaders appeared.Their possesion and right grew rapidly with frequent pillages.Military leaders were nominally selected by public,but actually,they were out of one same family ...只能翻译到这里了,恩格斯的话实在弄不出来.翻的不好,见谅.



风柜人 幼苗

共回答了173个问题 举报

前面是:英国历史上的真正的" 罗马人的征服R(罗马征服) 是在公元后43 年开始的. 当时罗马皇帝克罗迪斯(克劳迪厄斯) 率领四万人马,用了三年时间终于征服了不列颠岛的中部和中南部随后, 整个的英格兰被罗马牢牢控制了. ,随着军事占领 , 罗马文化与风格习惯渗入不列颠 . 罗马人的服装、装饰品、陶器和玻璃器皿很快在不列颠得到推广; 社会生活开始 : " 罗马化" 这必然导致拉丁语在不列颠的传播. ...



ericrxb 幼苗

共回答了5个问题 举报

Historical and real"person in Rome's conquest"(the Roman Conquest) in England is 43 years to start after A.D..At that time emperor gram in Rome the 迪斯 (Claudius) led 40,000 people a horse, using three...


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