
Hi Xi,
We have received your return request however your order was just shipped last October 14, 2013. Have you received it already? If not, we normally allow 2-8 business days delivery for our orders so yours is expected to be delivered within this week or early next week. Once you receive the package, please let write us back so we can give you return instructions.
If you still have not received it within that time frame, kindly let us know so we can further investigate the issue.
Thank you for your patience.
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: QDS-229-78002
Department: Amazon Customer Service
Type: Issue
Status: Closed
Priority: High
For Your Information: To help arbitrate disputes and preserve trust and safety, we retain all messages buyers and sellers send through Amazon.com for two years. This includes your response to the message above. Amazon.com uses filtering technology to protect buyers and sellers from possible fraud. Messages that fail this filtering will not be transmitted.
We want you to buy with confidence anytime you purchase products on Amazon.com. Learn more about Safe Online Shopping (http://www.***.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=551434) and our safe buying guarantee (http://www.***.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=537868).
simom77 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

老生不怕也 幼苗

共回答了15个问题采纳率:86.7% 举报


1年前 追问


simom77 举报


举报 老生不怕也

看得出来你是在亚马逊下的单,单号应该不变,你可以追踪下最原始的下单号。 他们已经把东西寄出来了,最迟在下周你就可以收到东西了。他们说,如果你收到包裹后还是坚持要退货的话,继续联系他们,他们会告诉你退货的标准流程。 希望对你有帮助
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