With the National College Entrance Exam draws near,I

With the National College Entrance Exam draws near,I
feel more and more nervously.I know that my parents depend
on myself to realize their dream .Over the past three years,
I have been working hard so as to live up their expectations.
I know how disappointing they will be if I should fail the
exam.I asked my teacher for some advice.He said,"That
doesn't matter whether you can be admitted to a key university,
and there will be nothing to regret for as long as you have
tried your best." His word encouraged me a lot.I will face
every single day with a smile but I believe I will be a winner.
还有一篇 麻烦大神们一起改了
I found a reference book in a bookstore near our school。
The book was just what I was badly in need for;However,
it was too cheap.the owner of the shop could only give
me the discount of10 per cent。My deskmate's suggestion
was that I bought one online.He said goods online were
usually much cheaper.Following his advice ,I surfed on
the internet.and to my great delight,the book offered
at half price online。I immediately purchased it online
ithout hesitations.Thanks to my deskmate,I saved sbout
40 yuan,with that I treated jim to a meal the other day.
zzww20071020 1年前 已收到4个回答 举报

春秋秋战gg 种子

共回答了9个问题采纳率:100% 举报

With the National College Entrance Exam draws 户(改为drawing分词做宾补) near,I
feel more and more nervously (改为nervous形容词做表语).I know that my parents depend
on myself (改为me和主语不是同一人不能用反身代词)to realize their dream .Over the past three years,
I have been working hard so as to live up (加上to构成固定短语) their expectations.
I know how disappointing(改为disappointed因为主语为人) they will (改为would因为从句中用了虚拟) be if I should fail the
exam.I asked my teacher for some advice.He said,"That(改为It做形式主语)
doesn't matter whether you can be admitted to a key university,
and there will be nothing to regret for(去掉for) as long as you have
tried your best." His word(改为words某人的话必需用复数) encouraged me a lot. I will face
every single day with a smile but(改为and因为是并列关系) I believe I will be a winner.
I found a reference book in a bookstore near our school.
The book was just what I was badly in need for(改为of构成固定短语);However,
it was too cheap(改为expensive). the owner of the shop could only give
me the(改为a) discount of10 per cent.My deskmate's suggestion
was that I bought(改为buy是前面省略了should的虚拟) one online. He said goods online were (改为are表客观情况)
usually much cheaper.Following his advice , I surfed on(去掉on)
the internet. and to my great delight, the book offered (改为charged要价的意思)
at half price online.I immediately purchased it (改为one)online
ithout hesitations(改为hesitation).Thanks to my deskmate, I saved sbout
40 yuan,with that (改为which介词后只能用它来引导定语从句)I treated jim to a meal the other day.



南方的树 花朵

共回答了5402个问题 举报

With the National College Entrance Exam drawING near,I
feel more and more NERVOUS.I know that my parents depend
on ME to realize their dream .Over the past three years,
I have been working...



zunxun1010 幼苗

共回答了3个问题 举报

1draws 改成drawing 2nervously 改成nervous 3 myself 改成me 4live up 后加to 5disappointing 改成disappointed 6去掉should 7that改成 it 8去掉for 9word改成 10words but 改成and
1去掉for 2cheap 改成expensive 3 the 改成a 4 ...



gzdeco 幼苗

共回答了211个问题 举报

myself 改成me
dreams .
disappointing 改成disappointed
smile 前面的a去掉
but 改成and那里有while这个单词?还有第二篇你怎么改没有while,我 看错了,对不起 nea...


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