1.( )Hi,I 'm in Paris,( ).

1.( )Hi,I 'm in Paris,( ).
A.strong and health B.safe and sound C.nice and beautiful D.sure and OK
2.The Bund is one of the ( ) attractions in Shanghai.(tour)
3.How are you doing?句意不变 How is ( ) ( )you?
-----It's cold today.
-----( ) ( ) ( ).
风雨江南_kk 1年前 已收到3个回答 举报

spx12345 幼苗

共回答了17个问题采纳率:82.4% 举报

(1)B.safe and sound 安然无恙(固定词组)
How have you been?= How are you doing?
(4)So it is.

1年前 追问


风雨江南_kk 举报


举报 spx12345

这个就是固定用法~~ 给你些例句吧 They arrived safe and sound. 他们安然到达。 All his sons returned safe and sound form the war. 他所有的儿子都从战争中平安无恙地回来了。 The package arrived safe and sound. 包裹寄到,丝毫无损。 The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound. 救援人员把登山的人都安然无恙地救了回来。 (2)修改一下 tourist attraction 旅游胜地 这个比tourists' attraction出现的多 an art museum that is a famous tourist attraction in Paris. 巴黎很出名的艺术游览胜地 (4) So it is 是表示进一步的强调,是说事情确实是这样 例如:It is good to practise everyday,so it is 每天锻炼身体是好习惯,确实是这样 So is it 是说一件事如此,而另一件事情同样也如此 例如:A:The first book is very interesting, B:Yes,and so is the second one(so is it,it 指代第二本书) A说:第一本书很有趣; B说:是啊,第二本也是如此 考试中有些题背下来固定用法就行,没什么特别的理由。 平时可以多翻翻字典,多注意英英解释,自然会有语感。

dovekuku 幼苗

共回答了5个问题 举报

2 中文句意:外滩是上海的旅游景点之一。提示词是Tour,考察景点的表达“tourist attraction” 因此答案是tourist。
3句意是:你最近怎样?答案推定为:How is going on you?
4的确很冷。楼上说的So it is.(是很冷啊)可以,我的意见是:Sure it is.(的确很冷啊)...



风柔 幼苗

共回答了1个问题 举报

只知道最后一题是so it is.


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