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陆无言 春芽

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Ingredients: flour, fermented (old), sugar, water, soda, green-red streaked infection.Recipe: 1. the fermentation (old) and flour, and water into the dough, into the basin in the fermentation (fermentation time as the indoor temperature and how much of the old surface may be);2. Remove dough fermentation good alkali and sugar (white sugar can be added according to the tastes they prefer), rub rub rub after growth, pulling paste, lie on a bamboo food steamer, paste up, sprinkle with green red streaked infection, steam for 20 minutes on the roaring fire, taking it.Note: 1. fermentation to the time when, on the paste must be;2. When you paste in a bamboo food steamer, do not touch, will not be "flower"; 3. bamboo food steamer on fire when it is important to Mong Kok and on the water when boiling bamboo food steamer.Features: color white, shaped like flowers, sweet and delightful. Baking powder 35-37 degrees of warm water, and the water surface. Moderate non-stick to soft and hard hand, rubbing light cover up surface fermentation with a damp cloth. Today's weather, is to send up to 2 hours. And then placed on the chopping board, plus dry noodles and then rub, then wake up for a while. The Huizi you, is add bean, is on meat and vegetables or other stuff into such as steamed bun stuffed with sweetened bean paste, bun, roll, it depends on what you want to eat the sugar River Delta. Forming, then about half an hour. Special note is the pot of steamed open on this procedure, be sure to fire the pot with cold water in, Do not say that you gave not been forewarned. If the usual fire water, is absolutely dead out of the dough.Fire practices apply only to the use of water in the presence of leavening dough fermentation. Steamed buns with hot water or hot water not many loved steamed bread with boiled water, thinking that it was driving faster. In fact, this is not scientific.Because raw and steamed bread suddenly heat, surface bonding, easily half-cooked steamed bread.Correct method should be in the pot plus cold water, after into the bread, then heating enables uniform heating of steamed bread, soft and tasty.How know raw and cooked steamed steamed judge of raw and cooked to several of the following methods: (1) not use too much force steamed bun, elastic that is cooked;(2) the epidermal tearing a piece of bread, can reveal the skin that is cooked, otherwise immature;(3) after the finger touch of steamed bread, pits will soon calm down for the cooked bread, SAG does not recover, note also not steam. Fermentation is the key of making steamed bread of soft pine. Yeast make dough chemical changes of starch, sugar, alcohol and acids, and releases carbon dioxide gas. However, heating methods if it is not appropriate, such as directly marked on the pot, due to uneven heating, can only become hard and soft "scones"; If you want a soft loose buns, must steam to help. When people are steamed buns into rubbing good health after the steamer, surrounded by high temperature steam soon steamed up, from around to the bread evenly heated. Carbon dioxide gas heat expansion of the bread, but not easy to come, can only drill to drill and heave out many small vacuoles, bread is loose and soft. If you add some sugar, fermentation full, high temperature of steam, for steam and cool, it can be steamed out of the surface crack of "flowering" bread. Such steamed bread, elastic, tastes delicious原料:面粉、发酵面(老面)、白糖、水、碱、青红丝. 制作方法:1.将发酵面(老面)加面粉、水和成面团,放入盆中发酵(发酵时间视室内温度和老面的多少而定); 2.取出发酵好的面团加碱和白糖(白糖可根据自己喜欢的口味添加),揉透揉匀后搓成长条,揪剂子,摆在笼屉上,剂子口朝上,撒上青红丝,在旺火上蒸二十分钟,取出即可. 注意:1.发酵面时一定要发到时间,剂子口一定要朝上; 2.下剂子摆在笼屉上时,千万不要碰,否则不会“开花”; 3.上笼屉时火一定要旺,而且要在水沸时上笼屉.特点:色泽洁白,形如花朵,甜香爽口. 发酵粉用35度-37度温水化开,用这个水和面.到软硬适度不粘手,揉光用湿布盖好醒面发酵.如今的天气,2个小时是肯定能发起来地.然后将面置于案板上,加干面再揉匀,再醒一会.这会子就随便你了,是加豆馅,是放肉和菜或是其它东东作成诸如豆包、包子、花卷、糖三角就看你的想吃啥了.成型后,再放约半小时.特别注意的是上锅开蒸这道工序,一定要中火,锅里要用冷水,勿谓言之不预也.要是像平常那样大火开水,出来的绝对是死面团.大火开水的作法只适用于用面肥发酵的面. 蒸馒头勿用热水 许多人爱用热水或开水蒸馒头,以为这样开得快.其实这并不科学.因为生冷的馒头突然遇到热气,表面粘结,容易使馒头夹生. 正确的方法应是在锅内加冷水,放入馒头后,再加热升温,可使馒头均匀受热,松软可口. 蒸馒头怎样知生熟 蒸馒头判断生熟有以下几种方法: (1) 用手轻拍馒头,有弹性即熟; (2) 撕一块馒头的表皮,如能揭开皮即熟,否则未熟; (3) 手指轻按馒头后,凹坑很快平复为熟馒头,凹陷下去不复原的,说明还没蒸熟. 暄松的馒头 制作馒头的关键是发酵.酵母菌可以使面团的淀粉发生化学变化,生成糖、醇和酸等,并且放出二氧化碳气.但是,加热方法如果不适当,比如直接放在锅上烙,由于受热不均匀,只能变成皮硬内软的“烤饼”;要想得到暄松的馒头,必须请高温蒸汽来帮忙.当人们把揉好的生馒头放进蒸笼以后,高温蒸汽很快把馒头包围起来,从四周给馒头均匀地加热.馒头里面的二氧化碳气受热膨胀,可是又不容易冒出来,只能在里面钻来钻去,于是便胀出许许多多小空泡,使馒头又松又暄.如果在面里放些糖,发酵充分,蒸汽温度高,供汽又猛,就可以蒸出表面开裂的“开花”馒头.这样的馒头,富有弹性,吃起来香甜可口.


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