Besides English and Chinese he can also speak Japanese and F

Besides English and Chinese he can also speak Japanese and French.除了英语和汉语外他也能说日语和法
请问besides english and chinese 是作什么样的状语?
霜天长笛 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

lyahitx 幼苗

共回答了15个问题采纳率:93.3% 举报

esides = in addition to !Adverb or preposition!

1年前 追问


霜天长笛 举报

这位网友,你答非所问啊,我是问besides english and chinese 是作什么样的状语?而且我本人知道besides 的词性和意思,所以你就不要回答无关的问题了,如果你不知道这里面的知识就不要随便答!

举报 lyahitx

My friend, you are rude as I am trying to help - it you are so good then you wouldn't be here right. I don't understand why such a simple structure which everyone could know what is it.
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