
wuwei1650 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

cvriiq 幼苗

共回答了13个问题采纳率:100% 举报

1.How to take care of the disabled people?
Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as we can. Since they can not see as much, or they can not walk as fast, they need our help.
  We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them, for instance, Each student finds some one to help, in the neighborhood or the community. You can help them to cross the road. You can help pushing their wheel chairs. l Set up kind of organization. Collect some money. Use this money to help them, to buy them daily necessities, to help their children finish school. As they are disabled, it is more difficult for them to earn as much as normal people do. That’s why they usually need help in physical things. As they are disabled, they feel lonely. They think they are not as good as normal people. They easily become lonely, sad, disappointed. They easily lose hope of life. They need help more in spiritual things. They need people to chat with. They need people to encourage them to continue their lives. They need people to get rid of prejudices over them. Now, I would suggest, do whatever we can to help them. We can donate our pocket money. We can walk up to help the disabled to cross the street. We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them, by calling them, by emailing them, by whatever means. However, don’t always think we are better than the disabled. As normal people, we always make normal mistakes.
  We take it for granted that we can see things while the blind can not. If you know the story about Helen Keller, you will understand why you are wrong. The blind can not see with their bare eyes, but they can see better with their ears. They can see better with their hands. So, help the disabled while you treat them like normal people. And they are normal people!
2.How to take care of the disabled people?
Living in the world, everyone dreams of being great and wise. Have some of us ever dreamt of being a normal person? I’m sure that all students will answer “No”, and you’ll question me, “Why do you ask such a silly question?” As a matter of fact, people who are disabled just wish that they themselves would one day be a healthy and normal person as us. Then how should we treat disabled people?
The majority of us will claim to show respect for them and not to look down upon them. It is true. Most people have got a shock at their diligence. At present, a large quantity of the blind is learning the traditional Chinese treatment, such as massage and acupuncture. And after opening a shop, they can usually get well paid. Some people without arms have learned writing with their feet. What’s more, people with a moving handicap can do work very well, even if they can only move their head and mouth. Not to mention Hawking for example. So far as I know, not long before it is reported such two persons. Both of them do very well in computer. One is a girl, who is just round twenty years. With a pen in her mouth, she makes Flash. In spite of her disability, she still gets tens of thousands yuan per month. The other is a forty-year-old man. He manages the computer as well as the girl. Anyway he has succeeded in making a programme, which recorded his own language.
Never is the way for disabled people to success easy. Apart from hard work, they need special patience and will, which are the key to success. Often we’re moved by their experiences. Then we will respect them and help them.
As the god seems as if not equal to disabled people, we should help them. Some day when you meet a blind person in the street, go to help him/ her cross the street or show him/ her the way; some day when you meet a disabled person in a bus, give your seat to him/ her; some day you meet a disabled beggar, offer him some money; some day when you talk with a disabled person, encourage him/ her and let him/ her know the world is still beautiful. Not only should we treat disabled people equally, but even more well!
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