美化段落At present,with the soaring petrol price and the escalat

At present,with the soaring petrol price and the escalating credit crisis,global economy becomes recession.More specifically,recession means two quarters of negative growth; many firms fall in the business,which leads to a lot of people loss their jobs.Therefore,some people argue that in this special time,businesses should reduce advertising because it is very expansive and more useless than before.However,other people do not think so.They consider that businesses should maintain the customer’s loyalty and also have competitive advantages.In this essay I will examine both side of controvert.
Some people contend that managers should more focus on others promotion than focus on advertising,such as direct selling,public relations and sale promotion.It is because that in the recession era,the quantity of demand is decreasing,suppose if advertising does not effective,therefore the amount of sells can not increase,businesses will loss a large number of money.Therefore,With the amazing development of internet,some companies consider selling online.For instance,n the first half of 2007,Tesco Online enjoyed a 29% rise in its sales revenue.Comparing with a 12% rise for Tesco stores,Online is more profitable for Tesco than its normal shop business.(Business study for A Level,2008,200) There is no doubt that in some area online selling is better than advertising.
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At present,with the soaring petrol price and the escalating credit crisis,global economy [becomes](moves into) recession.More specifically,recession means [two quarters of negative growth](两个四分之一的负增长?还是两方面的负增长?two aspects of negative growth); [many firms fall in the business](many firms' business fall apart/ many firms have a sharp fall in profits),which leads to a lot of people [loss](losing) their jobs.Therefore,some people argue that in this special time,businesses should reduce advertising because it is very [expansive](expensive) and [more useless](less useful) than before.However,other people do not think so.They consider that businesses should maintain [the customer’s](customers') loyalty and also [have competitive advantages](remain competitive).In this essay I will [examine](analyze) both [side](sides) of [controvert](the controversy,controvert是动词).
Some people contend that managers should [more focus](focus more) on [others](other) promotion than [focus on](可以省略) advertising,such as direct selling,public relations and sale promotion.It is because that in the recession era,the quantity of demand is decreasing,[suppose if](suppose if重复,留其中一个就行了) advertising [does](is) not effective,[therefore](then) the amount of [sells](sale) can not increase,businesses will [loss](lose) a large [number](amount) of money.Therefore,with the amazing development of [internet](the Internet),some companies [consider](have started) selling online.For instance,in the first half of 2007,Tesco Online [enjoyed](achieved/reported) a 29% rise in its sales revenue.Comparing with a 12% rise for Tesco (local) stores,(the) online (sale) is more profitable for Tesco than its [normal](local) shop [business](sale).(Business study for A Level,2008,200) There is no doubt that in some [area](areas) online selling is better than advertising.


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